The Moon Area School District (the “District” or “MASD”) recognizes the valuable role that booster organizations play in successful implementation of the District’s athletic programs. A booster organization is a group of parents and interested citizens that provide services and financial support for a District sponsored athletic and extracurricular programs (Moon Area School teams grade 7-12). It is imperative that these organizations work cooperatively with the Athletic Office and the program Head Coach and reflect the philosophies, goals, and educational objectives of the District. The following guidelines have been enacted to assist booster organizations in their efforts to provide support to the District’s athletic & extracurricular programs. 

 MASD Booster Guidelines 2023-24

Fundraising Request Form

Booster Club Vendor/Signage Advertising Form

Boosters Parent Organizations Policy 

Booster School Year Budget Proposal

Booster School Year Summary

Boosters Social Media Guidelines


Please make sure to review this information carefully and submit them with sufficient notice to the athletic director.